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Kayla Bonney

A member registered Jul 19, 2017

Creator of

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Really appreciate it!

Thank you! Glad you like it!

(2 edits)

Today was mostly hardcore animating for me.  Alex and Kinda discussed some level design and Alex made this

Which is pretty darn cool

I also have a few new additional sprites and animations for our protag.



My files get increasing confusing every night at a rate that makes me feel like I'm losing my mind

More folders.

Must have. More folders.

Here's some art assets!

Kinda's nice new background and some flower animations:

Evil Mode Villian sketches by moi:

Choosing a palette for her normal form and getting a sprite together:

And getting some animations done for our main character!:


(First one needs some edits)

Thanks everyone for your interest and comments! It's great hearing from you!

Most important progress to date

Anime weapons have nothing on fidget hands

Today so far we've got some more work done on the villian.

Getting a feel for the normal villian:

And a beginning to find her 'battle mode':

These are all

Very silly.